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Croeso Teifi is part of a network of towns in Wales offering sponsorship of refugee families.

We are working with a UK government scheme to bring families from the middle east to live in our communities.

We have been raising money and support through:




information events


skills exchanege with refugees

talks to refugees

films strangers in a strange lands

introducing community sponsorship

Each welcoming town has to work under a charity, raise £4,500 per adult, find and furnish homes, provide English language teachers, translators, employment and training and do everything necessary to welcome and integrate people fleeing war into our communities.

To date (July 2017) two Croeso towns have received a family of six and am extended family of seven. The next Croeso town is at the last stages of getting permission from the Local Authority and the Home Office. Only five families have arrived in the UK under community sponsorship so far, two of them in are with Croeso teams in Wales. There are thirteen towns that we know of in Wales working on community sponsorship.

For more information:
contacts: [email protected]
07791 809810 or 01239 820971

To get in touch or for help with setting up a scheme:

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